There are several ways to obtain referrals for trusted, expert house painters in your own community. Skipping this process in an effort to save time is a risk that could cost you in damaged property, a half-finished job, or even the need to hire someone else to clean up the mess left by bad painters.
- Ask Someone You Trust– contact friends and family to get referrals for painters they’ve used and who provided excellent service and pricing. You’ll likely hear all the nitty, gritty details including how to obtain the best price and service, too.
- Ask a Professional– if you’ve recently purchased your home or are getting ready to sell, your real estate agent will likely have a list of qualified painters who will do the job right.
- Search Online -the internet is a valuable resource for finding excellent painting companies. You can always check sites like Houzz, Yelp, or others that provide verified, unbiased reviews from customers in your area. By searching for “professional house painters in wellington,” or using more specific keywords, you’ll also be able to match your exact painting needs to the company most qualified to do the work.
Vet Companies to Find the Best House Painters Near You
Ask for and check company references. While you may find that things haven’t always gone perfectly on previous jobs, it’s important that the company has done everything possible to respect the client’s property and address any problems immediately. If possible, ask for photos of the completed job.
Confirm that the company holds the proper license and insurance required by your state. Each locale has different standards so you’ll want to check the license number with your area’s government site to be sure everything is in order.
Get Estimates From Several Contractors
Prices vary significantly based on your specific needs, so it’s important to obtain detailed quotes from more than one contractor.
The average exterior painting project will cost around $2,780, while the average for painting the inside will cost you about $3 to $4 per square foot.
The type of paint, number of coats, trim work and specific area needed will increase or decrease based on your particular requirements. All quotes should be in writing and provide a breakdown of everything that’s included.
Conduct Interviews With Each Professional House Painting Company
Next, you’ll want to hop on the phone with the top three companies you’re considering to get some questions answered. This step is essential in the process, as you’ll be able to clearly identify the winner and weed out the companies that won’t work best for you.
A sample of questions to ask include…
- Are you a licensed paint company?
- How long do you estimate the project will take?
- What is the estimated cost for my home?
- What does your guarantee include? Will you come back to fix any blemishes or issues we find after the job is complete?
- What kind of tools will you be using for this project? How will you ensure crisp lines and accuracy?
- How strict are you on attention to detail?
- What is your plan to protect my home’s exterior and my personal belongings while you’re painting?
- How big is the crew? What hours will they be working?
- How do you plan on cleaning up the worksite every day? How will you dispose of excess paint?
- What brand of paint do you think is the best? What do you think we should use for our project?
Once You Pick a Company, Sign a Contract to Protect Your Property
A formal contract is a must for your protection. It should clearly identify what you’re paying for, how long the job will take and when the work will be done, specific brand of paint with color selections (and product numbers), how your property will be protected, and clean-up procedures.
A reputable painting contractor will also provide a guarantee for workmanship and product performance. The contract should specify the timeframe for coverage when they’ll return to make repairs free of charge.
By taking the time to thoroughly research professional contractors to handle your painting needs, you’ll be able to set reasonable expectations and end up with an exceptional finished product.
Puls-A Solution For All Your Home Maintenance Needs
Whether you’re in need of appliance repairs, television mounting, garage door installation or handyman services (in the Wellington area), Puls has got you covered. Our expert technicians are skilled in all home maintenance and can take care of most problems you encounter.
Our convenient online appointment scheduling ensures the work is done on your schedule – as soon as the same day if needed. A qualified professional will be at your door at a time that works for you. We’re open 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays at no extra charge. Affordable pricing and a peace-of-mind guarantee on all our work means you’ll get the service you deserve at a price that won’t break the bank.